Wednesday, November 7, 2007

As many things I like as I can possibly think of

Jokes about Dads which are divorced from the actual familial meaning of the word Dad.
pictures of people smoking as many cigarettes as they can at once
babies laughing
the idea of someone's grandpa being left alone to run a nuclear power plant
4 beers in the fridge coming from nowhere and you knowing they are from the aether, or ghosts or some shit and drinking them in the afternoon and then going to the park
cheap sunglasses
the ZZ Top song cheap sunglasses
ZZ Top's continuing existence and devotion to the douchebag party lifestyle
thrash metal
people who really understand what it is to party
people who understand what it really is to party
people who understand what it is to really party
getting deep enough into dense text it all starts making real sense
beautiful mountains
national parks
jokey hats with fake shit on them
googly eyes
friendly dogs
hot beats
dixie dave collins
huge southern riffs
being able to make my boner 'talk'
$7 machete
no sleeves
free/super cheap espresso
drink tickets for being the underage drummer of an opening band
playin' th' heavy
girls who like riffing
girls who like metal and aren't nutjobs
being naked in woods except a headband and some boots smoking a big bowl of hash with your dog
feeling like you know how to really TCB
face tattoo jokes
bands that make you want to roll on the floor screaming and tearing your clothes spasmodically
bands that make you want your hips to do things physically impossible
being a hot-shit casanova on the dance floor
huge beats
falling asleep on the couch the exact amount of time you have to do so and feeling like you missed nothing from the world
summer shirtlessness
being high at the public pool
skinny dipping
music that sounds dirty and makes you want to party and not worry about spilling anything on your math book
not having to do shit today
breaking up drugs on top of your fundamentals of management book to celebrate getting an A without ever opening said book
driving long distances and having fun doing it
feeling like an inspired back to the land forest folk at a national park
knowing where you came from is cooler than where you are
fresh haircut
not washing your hair and it looking better than ever
making up retarded songs to the tune of the laverne and shirley theme song while you do the dishes
blast beats
black fucking sabbath
satanic metal being awesome
corpse paint
guitar harmonies that aren't lame swedish bullshit
going completely off the fucking wall bonkers nuts listening to manowar or king diamond with your best friends
runnin' shit
having a party with 200 people in your apartment and nothing gets broken except for some ash on your pillow from gangster kids locking you out of your room to smoke weed, compensated by forgetting about weed on your dresser
continuing to evade jail, thank fuck
pretending to trip in front of a big bunch of people on a hill, falling and rolling down the whole hill
banh fucking mi
being faster than the train on your bike
spring (fuck off fall and winter)
public parks
friends all over the midwest
looking like a scumbag, being mr. nice
new socks that haven't worn out at all
free artisan bread
the sandwich hookup
liking everyone you work with
drinking beer with your manager after a long shift
taking a big ol' dump
having enough sex in a night your unit's kind of sore
listening to prince
knowing and being glad just how over high school really is
incredibly good sketch comedy
lone star lake
clinton lake
lake michigan
manual labor
making enough money you can get the best sandwich the place makes
girls wearing girly shit like skirts and high heels again
people who are 'over it' but not so 'over it' they're 'over' anything different than the stuff they're 'over'
people who don't have any life plans
having an actual work ethic appear from seemingly nowhere in your mind
mama's cooking
my cooking
bananas fried in butter on waffles
a good firm clap on the back
gentle, old fashioned anglophilia
people interested in the words they speak
slang from everywhere
jorge luis borges
trashy horror films
halloween decorations
free candy
not having to document and simulacrize every important moment
running a chainsaw being really satisfying
building stuff
the ol' john hancock getting sloppier and shittier by the day
bad production
enjoying your friends bands
table tennis
dog kisses
the miraculous lack of a hangover the day you have to get up for lunch with your grandparents
selective grandparent blindness
hannukah AND christmas
the episcopalian tendency to love flowery language
the jewish tendency to love to riff on corny jokes
sunlight streaming in while you sit at a kitchen table drinking coffee
dungeons and dragons
the opposable thumb
remembering terrifying dreams and thinking how cool they were
the sound of a bathtub filling from another room
physical media
virtual media
warm bed
wood stoves
apes and monkeys of all kinds
the feeling of getting home after a trip
the feeling of mountains getting bigger in view
sitting backwards in an old station wagon
the canada i've constructed in my mind by watching strange brew and trailer park boys
reading in bed
people thinking i'm heavy shit on the train for some reason
establishing a rapport with the world
turning the party fun and energetic through sheer applied will
conjecturing what the most ludicrous sentence my parents have ever said is
the ability to go with the flow
heat included in the rent (and a lot of it, so i can walk around in my underwear)
having the good sense to be thankful i have all my senses and limbs and no debilitating conditions
seeing people my age be horrible shithead kids and being able to reassure myself i'm not one of them
having gotten over my fear of bodies of water i can't see all the way through
people who want to go swimming/sledding/biking on the spur of the moment
people who say "yeah sure i can hang out now, lets meet up"
hunger and its alleviation
that i've grown to like vegetables
the small possibility you must account for as a rational person that kooks, weirdos, and nuts might be right
the invention of distortion for the electric guitar
rock and roll
the feeling a mic'ed bass drum makes in your chest

I'm sure I'll think of more.


kym said...

i cant believe i read that whole thing. those things ARE totally awesome

kym said...

oh but i didnt see my name in there.

Watergurl said...

Way cool, I loved it. Yeah you don't know me, who cares, right?? ahahaha cool, inspiring even....;)

Fuck I'm so sick of my crap, I need to litten the hell up. Just what I needed.
